Payment Methods


The easiest and most secure way to make transactions with us is through credit cards using Paypal or Google Checkout.

For some countries you can also make a deposit in your local bank. And we can also receive the payment through Western Union

Local Banks

Below is the list of local banks we work :


Argentina                                      HSBC Bank

Chile                                              BANCO BCI

Colombia                                       BANCOLOMBIA

Ecuador                                         BANCO DEL PICHINCHA

Uruguay                                         BANCO DE LA REPÚBLICA

Guatemala;                                   BANCO INDUSTRIAL



The complete bank information will be given to you after you fill out the shopping cart form

International flower delivery

Flowers to Afueras de Alajuela Flowers to Cartago Flowers to Escazu Flowers to Heredia Flowers to Liberia Flowers to Otros Flowers to San Isidro - Perez Zeledon Flowers to San José Flowers to Santa Ana
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